Back east with the relatively close distances between places, destinations, and multiple paths, your GPS sometimes chooses odd paths, but it's not too bad.
Out in the middle of nowhere Wyoming, the GPS will pick a secondary road instead of a US highway because it calculates it's a little closer.
That's how we got 26 miles down a secondary road that was okay, beautiful farm country and no traffic right up until the dreaded End of Pavement sign. There aren't any pull-offs on this road, so I had to back down a dirt road until I could find a possible turn around. That's an hour and a lot of diesel I'll never get back.
So now I will never trust a GPS for anything. It's just a confirmation that our printed atlas is right and something to ridicule when it doesn't agree with our better manually planned route.
Our day reminded me of the GEICO Insurance Tarzan commercial.. GEICO Tarzan
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